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Contract source code

// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.3.0 https://hardhat.org

// File contracts/governance/implementation/GovernedBase.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

 * @title Governed Base
 * @notice This abstract base class defines behaviors for a governed contract.
 * @dev This class is abstract so that specific behaviors can be defined for the constructor.
 *   Contracts should not be left ungoverned, but not all contract will have a constructor
 *   (for example those pre-defined in genesis).
abstract contract GovernedBase {
    address public governance;
    address public proposedGovernance;
    bool private initialised;

    event GovernanceProposed(address proposedGovernance);
    event GovernanceUpdated (address oldGovernance, address newGoveranance);

    modifier onlyGovernance () {
        require (msg.sender == governance, "only governance");

    constructor(address _governance) {
        if (_governance != address(0)) {

     * @notice First of a two step process for turning over governance to another address.
     * @param _governance The address to propose to receive governance role.
     * @dev Must hold governance to propose another address.
    function proposeGovernance(address _governance) external onlyGovernance {
        proposedGovernance = _governance;
        emit GovernanceProposed(_governance);

     * @notice Once proposed, claimant can claim the governance role as the second of a two-step process.
    function claimGovernance() external {
        require(msg.sender == proposedGovernance, "not claimaint");

        emit GovernanceUpdated(governance, proposedGovernance);
        governance = proposedGovernance;
        proposedGovernance = address(0);

     * @notice In a one-step process, turn over governance to another address.
     * @dev Must hold governance to transfer.
    function transferGovernance(address _governance) external onlyGovernance {
        emit GovernanceUpdated(governance, _governance);
        governance = _governance;
        proposedGovernance = address(0);

     * @notice Initialize the governance address if not first initialized.
    function initialise(address _governance) public virtual {
        require(initialised == false, "initialised != false");

        initialised = true;
        emit GovernanceUpdated(governance, _governance);
        governance = _governance;
        proposedGovernance = address(0);

// File contracts/governance/implementation/GovernedAtGenesis.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

 * @title Governed At Genesis
 * @dev This contract enforces a fixed governance address when the constructor
 *  is not executed on a contract (for instance when directly loaded to the genesis block).
 *  This is required to fix governance on a contract when the network starts, at such point
 *  where theoretically no accounts yet exist, and leaving it ungoverned could result in a race
 *  to claim governance by an unauthorized address.
contract GovernedAtGenesis is GovernedBase {
    constructor(address _governance) GovernedBase(_governance) { }

     * @notice Set governance to a fixed address when constructor is not called.
    function initialiseFixedAddress() public virtual returns (address) {
        address governanceAddress = address(0xfffEc6C83c8BF5c3F4AE0cCF8c45CE20E4560BD7);
        return governanceAddress;

     * @notice Disallow initialise to be called
     * @param _governance The governance address for initial claiming
    // solhint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    function initialise(address _governance) public override pure {

// File contracts/genesis/interface/IFtsoGenesis.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

interface IFtsoGenesis {
     * @notice Submits price hash for current epoch - only price submitter
     * @param _sender               Sender address
     * @param _epochId              Target epoch id to which hashes are submitted
     * @param _hash                 Hashed price and random number
     * @notice Emits PriceHashSubmitted event. 
    function submitPriceHashSubmitter(address _sender, uint256 _epochId, bytes32 _hash) external;

     * @notice Reveals submitted price during epoch reveal period - only price submitter
     * @param _voter                Voter address
     * @param _epochId              Id of the epoch in which the price hash was submitted
     * @param _price                Submitted price in USD
     * @param _random               Submitted random number
     * @notice The hash of _price and _random must be equal to the submitted hash
     * @notice Emits PriceRevealed event
    function revealPriceSubmitter(
        address _voter,
        uint256 _epochId,
        uint256 _price,
        uint256 _random,
        uint256 _wNatVP
    ) external;

     * @notice Get (and cache) wNat vote power for specified voter and given epoch id
     * @param _voter                Voter address
     * @param _epochId              Id of the epoch in which the price hash was submitted
     * @return wNat vote power
    function wNatVotePowerCached(address _voter, uint256 _epochId) external returns (uint256);

// File contracts/genesis/interface/IFtsoRegistryGenesis.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

interface IFtsoRegistryGenesis {

    function getFtsos(uint256[] memory _indices) external view returns(IFtsoGenesis[] memory _ftsos);

// File contracts/userInterfaces/IPriceSubmitter.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

interface IPriceSubmitter {
     * Event emitted when price hashes were submitted through PriceSubmitter.
     * @param submitter the address of the sender
     * @param epochId current price epoch id
     * @param ftsos array of ftsos that correspond to the indexes in call
     * @param hashes the submitted hashes
     * @param timestamp current block timestamp
    event PriceHashesSubmitted(
        address indexed submitter,
        uint256 indexed epochId,
        IFtsoGenesis[] ftsos,
        bytes32[] hashes,
        uint256 timestamp

     * Event emitted when prices were revealed through PriceSubmitter.
     * @param voter the address of the sender
     * @param epochId id of the epoch in which the price hash was submitted
     * @param ftsos array of ftsos that correspond to the indexes in the call
     * @param prices the submitted prices
     * @param timestamp current block timestamp
    event PricesRevealed(
        address indexed voter,
        uint256 indexed epochId,
        IFtsoGenesis[] ftsos,
        uint256[] prices,
        uint256[] randoms,
        uint256 timestamp
     * @notice Submits price hashes for current epoch
     * @param _epochId              Target epoch id to which hashes are submitted
     * @param _ftsoIndices          List of ftso indices
     * @param _hashes               List of hashed price and random number
     * @notice Emits PriceHashesSubmitted event
    function submitPriceHashes(
        uint256 _epochId,
        uint256[] memory _ftsoIndices,
        bytes32[] memory _hashes
    ) external;

     * @notice Reveals submitted prices during epoch reveal period
     * @param _epochId              Id of the epoch in which the price hashes was submitted
     * @param _ftsoIndices          List of ftso indices
     * @param _prices               List of submitted prices in USD
     * @param _randoms              List of submitted random numbers
     * @notice The hash of _price and _random must be equal to the submitted hash
     * @notice Emits PricesRevealed event
    function revealPrices(
        uint256 _epochId,
        uint256[] memory _ftsoIndices,
        uint256[] memory _prices,
        uint256[] memory _randoms
    ) external;

     * Returns bitmap of all ftso's for which `_voter` is allowed to submit prices/hashes.
     * If voter is allowed to vote for ftso at index (see *_FTSO_INDEX), the corrsponding
     * bit in the result will be 1.
    function voterWhitelistBitmap(address _voter) external view returns (uint256);

    function getVoterWhitelister() external view returns (address);
    function getFtsoRegistry() external view returns (IFtsoRegistryGenesis);
    function getFtsoManager() external view returns (address);

// File contracts/genesis/interface/IIPriceSubmitter.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

interface IIPriceSubmitter is IPriceSubmitter {

     * Sets ftso registry, voter whitelist and ftso manager contracts.
     * Only governance can call this method.
     * If replacing the registry or the whitelist and the old one is not empty, make sure to replicate the state,
     * otherwise internal whitelist bitmaps won't match.
    function setContractAddresses(
        IFtsoRegistryGenesis _ftsoRegistry,
        address _voterWhitelister,
        address _ftsoManager
    ) external;

     * Set trusted addresses that are always allowed to submit and reveal.
     * Only ftso manager can call this method.
    function setTrustedAddresses(address[] memory _trustedAddresses) external;

     * Called from whitelister when new voter has been whitelisted.
    function voterWhitelisted(address _voter, uint256 _ftsoIndex) external;
     * Called from whitelister when one or more voters have been removed.
    function votersRemovedFromWhitelist(address[] memory _voters, uint256 _ftsoIndex) external;

     * Returns a list of trusted addresses that are always allowed to submit and reveal.
    function getTrustedAddresses() external view returns (address[] memory);

// File contracts/genesis/implementation/PriceSubmitter.sol

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

 * @title Price submitter
 * @notice A contract used to submit/reveal prices to multiple Flare Time Series Oracles in one transaction
contract PriceSubmitter is IIPriceSubmitter, GovernedAtGenesis {

    string internal constant ERR_ARRAY_LENGTHS = "Array lengths do not match";
    string internal constant ERR_NOT_WHITELISTED = "Not whitelisted";
    string internal constant ERR_FTSO_MANAGER_ONLY = "FTSOManager only";
    string internal constant ERR_WHITELISTER_ONLY = "Voter whitelister only";

    IFtsoRegistryGenesis internal ftsoRegistry; 
    address internal ftsoManager;
    address internal voterWhitelister;

    // Bit at index `i` corresponds to being whitelisted for vote on ftso at index `i`
    mapping(address => uint256) internal whitelistedFtsoBitmap;
    address[] internal trustedAddresses;
    // for checking addresses at submit/reveal
    mapping(address => bool) internal trustedAddressesMapping;

    modifier onlyFtsoManager {
        require(msg.sender == ftsoManager, ERR_FTSO_MANAGER_ONLY);

    modifier onlyWhitelister {
        require(msg.sender == voterWhitelister, ERR_WHITELISTER_ONLY);

     * @dev This constructor should contain no code as this contract is pre-loaded into the genesis block.
     *   The super constructor is called for testing convenience.
    constructor() GovernedAtGenesis(address(0)) {
        /* empty block */

     * Sets ftso registry, voter whitelist and ftso manager contracts.
     * Only governance can call this method.
     * If replacing the registry or the whitelist and the old one is not empty, make sure to replicate the state,
     * otherwise internal whitelist bitmaps won't match.
    function setContractAddresses(
        IFtsoRegistryGenesis _ftsoRegistry,
        address _voterWhitelister,
        address _ftsoManager
        external override 
        ftsoRegistry = _ftsoRegistry;
        voterWhitelister = _voterWhitelister;
        ftsoManager = _ftsoManager;
     * Set trusted addresses that are always allowed to submit and reveal.
     * Only ftso manager can call this method.
    function setTrustedAddresses(address[] memory _trustedAddresses) external override onlyFtsoManager {
        // remove old addresses mapping
        uint256 len = trustedAddresses.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            trustedAddressesMapping[trustedAddresses[i]] = false;
        // set new addresses mapping
        len = _trustedAddresses.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            trustedAddressesMapping[_trustedAddresses[i]] = true;
        trustedAddresses = _trustedAddresses;
     * Called from whitelister when new voter has been whitelisted.
    function voterWhitelisted(address _voter, uint256 _ftsoIndex) external override onlyWhitelister {
        whitelistedFtsoBitmap[_voter] |= 1 << _ftsoIndex;
     * Called from whitelister when one or more voters have been removed.
    function votersRemovedFromWhitelist(address[] memory _removedVoters, uint256 _ftsoIndex) 
        external override 
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _removedVoters.length; i++) {
            whitelistedFtsoBitmap[_removedVoters[i]]  &= ~(1 << _ftsoIndex);
     * @notice Submits price hashes for current epoch
     * @param _ftsoIndices          List of ftso indices
     * @param _hashes               List of hashed price and random number
     * @notice Emits PriceHashesSubmitted event
    function submitPriceHashes(
        uint256 _epochId, 
        uint256[] memory _ftsoIndices, 
        bytes32[] memory _hashes
    ) external override {
        // Submit the prices
        uint256 length = _ftsoIndices.length;
        require(length == _hashes.length, ERR_ARRAY_LENGTHS);

        IFtsoGenesis[] memory ftsos = ftsoRegistry.getFtsos(_ftsoIndices);
        uint256 allowedBitmask = whitelistedFtsoBitmap[msg.sender];
        bool isTrustedAddress = false;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            uint256 ind = _ftsoIndices[i];
            if (allowedBitmask & (1 << ind) == 0) {
                if (!isTrustedAddress) {
                    if (trustedAddressesMapping[msg.sender]) {
                        isTrustedAddress = true;
                    } else {
            ftsos[i].submitPriceHashSubmitter(msg.sender, _epochId, _hashes[i]);
        emit PriceHashesSubmitted(msg.sender, _epochId, ftsos, _hashes, block.timestamp);

     * @notice Reveals submitted prices during epoch reveal period
     * @param _epochId              Id of the epoch in which the price hashes was submitted
     * @param _ftsoIndices          List of ftso indices
     * @param _prices               List of submitted prices in USD
     * @param _randoms              List of submitted random numbers
     * @notice The hash of _price and _random must be equal to the submitted hash
     * @notice Emits PricesRevealed event
    function revealPrices(
        uint256 _epochId,
        uint256[] memory _ftsoIndices,
        uint256[] memory _prices,
        uint256[] memory _randoms
        external override
        uint256 length  = _ftsoIndices.length;
        require(length == _prices.length, ERR_ARRAY_LENGTHS);
        require(length == _randoms.length, ERR_ARRAY_LENGTHS);

        IFtsoGenesis[] memory ftsos = ftsoRegistry.getFtsos(_ftsoIndices);
        uint256 allowedBitmask = whitelistedFtsoBitmap[msg.sender];
        bool isTrustedAddress = false;

        uint256 wNatVP = uint256(-1);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            uint256 ind = _ftsoIndices[i];
            if (allowedBitmask & (1 << ind) == 0) {
                if (!isTrustedAddress) {
                    if (trustedAddressesMapping[msg.sender]) {
                        isTrustedAddress = true;
                    } else {
            // read native VP only once
            if (wNatVP == uint256(-1)) {
                wNatVP = ftsos[i].wNatVotePowerCached(msg.sender, _epochId);
            // call reveal price on ftso
            ftsos[i].revealPriceSubmitter(msg.sender, _epochId, _prices[i], _randoms[i], wNatVP);
        emit PricesRevealed(msg.sender, _epochId, ftsos, _prices, _randoms, block.timestamp);
     * Returns bitmap of all ftso's for which `_voter` is allowed to submit prices/hashes.
     * If voter is allowed to vote for ftso at index (see *_FTSO_INDEX), the corrsponding
     * bit in the result will be 1.
    function voterWhitelistBitmap(address _voter) external view override returns (uint256) {
        return whitelistedFtsoBitmap[_voter];
    function getTrustedAddresses() external view override returns (address[] memory) {
        return trustedAddresses;

    function getVoterWhitelister() external view override returns (address) {
        return voterWhitelister;

    function getFtsoRegistry() external view override returns (IFtsoRegistryGenesis) {
        return ftsoRegistry;
    function getFtsoManager() external view override returns (address) {
        return ftsoManager;

Contract ABI

[{"type":"constructor","stateMutability":"nonpayable","inputs":[]},{"type":"event","name":"GovernanceProposed","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"proposedGovernance","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"GovernanceUpdated","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"oldGovernance","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"address","name":"newGoveranance","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"PriceHashesSubmitted","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"submitter","internalType":"address","indexed":true},{"type":"uint256","name":"epochId","internalType":"uint256","indexed":true},{"type":"address[]","name":"ftsos","internalType":"contract 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IFtsoRegistryGenesis"}],"name":"getFtsoRegistry","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"","internalType":"address[]"}],"name":"getTrustedAddresses","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"getVoterWhitelister","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"governance","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[],"name":"initialise","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_governance","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"initialiseFixedAddress","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"proposeGovernance","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_governance","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"proposedGovernance","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"revealPrices","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_epochId","internalType":"uint256"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_ftsoIndices","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_prices","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_randoms","internalType":"uint256[]"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"setContractAddresses","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_ftsoRegistry","internalType":"contract IFtsoRegistryGenesis"},{"type":"address","name":"_voterWhitelister","internalType":"address"},{"type":"address","name":"_ftsoManager","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"setTrustedAddresses","inputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"_trustedAddresses","internalType":"address[]"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"submitPriceHashes","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_epochId","internalType":"uint256"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_ftsoIndices","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"bytes32[]","name":"_hashes","internalType":"bytes32[]"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"transferGovernance","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_governance","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"voterWhitelistBitmap","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_voter","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"voterWhitelisted","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_voter","internalType":"address"},{"type":"uint256","name":"_ftsoIndex","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"votersRemovedFromWhitelist","inputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"_removedVoters","internalType":"address[]"},{"type":"uint256","name":"_ftsoIndex","internalType":"uint256"}]}]

Deployed ByteCode
